Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Show's up!

It was a rainy day to hang some art...but we were fortunate there was no snowstorm.

Some dedicated NSAGers helped put the "Reflections of the Northside" show up in the Overture Gallery III this morning. We had plenty of knowledge, the world's cutest level, were scant a few pencils, and definitely needed some better erasers.

"Reflections of the Northside" offers a wide-ranging look at the neighborhood where the artists live, work and play. Many of the thirty-some pieces of art in the show reflect the area’s many wonderful natural areas, depicting Cherokee Marsh, Warner Park, Troy Gardens, the Yahara River, Lake Mendota, Governor’s Island, and Lake View Hill. Other artists have an abstract interpretation of what life on the Northside feels like to them. Media include oils, acrylic, clay, pastels, watercolor, photography, glass mosaic, metal, monotype and mixed media.

The show looks great and we are looking forward to the reception on Sunday, Jan. 27, from noon-2 pm -- hey, there's no football that Sunday! Did they plan that? Yes they did! NSAG thinks of everything! Come and bring your friends.

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