Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Artists at Northside Farmers Market

Would you like to have a Free Art Show?
You pick the date, we have the place! The Northside Farmer's Market Sundays from 8:30 am to 12:30 am.
Dates are:
July 1
July 15 Dana Art Activity
Aug. 5
Aug. 19 Art Activity Day
Sept. 2
Sept. 16 Art Activity Day
Oct. 7
Oct. 21 Art Activity Day
Dana and I have worked hard to get this space for all of you! We have a tent, two tables, NSAG brochures and a NSAG banner. All you have to do is pick a date and be their to share your art with the Northside community. You are welcome to share the space with other artists. So call a few people in the group, it's more fun with other people anyway. The Northside Farmer's Market would like us to have an art activity table on the third weekend of every month. This is a great chance for you to show people your skills with a hands on demonstration. Please call or email me and we can talk about the details!
Forrest Espinoza
Arttogo LLC
1218 Debra Lane
Madison, WI 53704

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